Kombulcha & Bete Hisenete there, Addis

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Officially Ethiopia...

Woo Hoo!!! I overnighted all of our papers to WACAP and tomorrow we will officially be in the Ethiopia program! Our revised homestudy has been sent to USCIS because they need to give us a new I-171H for Ethiopia. I hope that will be done by next week, then we can officially receive a referral. Now we are back to hurry up and wait. Oh yes, the wait for the referral! So difficult, but so surreal when it finally comes. OMG! I just realized this post is exactly 30 days since I posted the decision to pursue Ethiopia...a goal achieved!


Dawn said...

CONGRATULATIONS and prayers for a fast referral!!

Carrie Geyer said...

I am happy for you and your family. I am also a COTA and can appreciate your passion and drive for your cause.

James and Melissa said...

Congratulations!! I hope you get a quick referral.